Sunday 15 September 2024



13 months and 119,700 stitches later, the final stitch was placed.

Saturday 25 May 2024

Page 14 completed


I've been skipping through these pages while convalescing after surgery to put pins in my foot. There's been little else to do, other than binge-watching various series on Netflix.

I'm going into my 8th and final week of planned sick leave so progress will slow down considerably.

Monday 22 January 2024

Page 5 completed

 Having taken December out to stitch on festive stitching, I'm back with Jamie and Claire. I've just finished page 5!

January 2024

 Happy New Year! 

I've been learning how to crochet over the past couple of months and I now spend my Saturday crafting sessions with a crochet hook, a laminated US/UK conversion guide and various free charts from t'interweb practicing with a load of old wool.

I was lucky enough to have some crochet supplies for Christmas.

And I've dug out a book my dear friend bought me when I had my first bash at crochet several years ago. Back then however, I didn't really understand there were two versions (UK and US) of the stitches.

Like my stitching, I'll be uploading my journey with the hooks.

Sunday 7 January 2024

Year's End 2023.

 I haven't been as regular posting updates on here during 2023 but that doesn't mean I haven't been stitching. 

From previous entries, you'll know that I've picked up Outlander to complete for a dear friend, and I've stitched almost exclusively since then on that project. Until December when I switched to something to bring out the festive cheer in me.

This was the update for Outlander:

I then completed this for my office but since it wasn't framed in time, it'll be for Christmas 2024:

Now this particular project below will remain a WIP because while I love the picture, I'm not a fan of the font.

However, I did juj it up a bit by adding some Kreinik sparkle to all the white snowflakes.

Once I find the right font, I'll finish this.

For now, Outlander is back in my hoop.

Happy New Year x

Sunday 24 September 2023

New Year, new project

 Angel's Lost Wing 

Started January 31st 2023.

The Gift of Stitching


On 26th August I made the decision to complete this project for a very good friend who can no longer stitch comfortably.  As you can see in the first photo, a little of the pale grey has been worked and to my relief the top stitches lay the same way my own do, so I haven't had to adapt my style.  I wouldn't have unpicked any of her work.

We are both fans of the period drama Outlander, featuring these two characters, Jamie and Claire.

I set aside the project I'm currently working on, to concentrate on this for the time being.

As you can see, it's coming along nicely. 

It's always a concern, when stitching for someone else, that the recipient won't appreciate the work, time and expense that goes into a cross stitched picture (I've faced this a few times).  Indeed, if one were to break down the cost of just the materials, there would be few non-stitchers that would pay for the piece. Factor in the cost of framing and that would astound them.  That is before considering the stitcher's time spent on the piece.

Fortunately, the recipient is an expert stitcher and not only does she appreciate what goes into creating the picture but all the threads, fabric and chart have been provided.

And she knows that each tiny x is filled with love.